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Creating a compelling strategic plan can be fun. You and your team embark on a journey of organizational discovery, generating big ideas with the right stakeholders, and dreaming about the impact your nonprofit can make. These are inspirational and energizing activities. But, it’s like deciding to get in shape. You plan, buy the gym membership
September 21, 2022
Leadership transitions are difficult. If your nonprofit is understaffed or otherwise under-resourced, you may be tempted to respond to transitions by hiring a new executive as quickly as possible. However, skipping or truncating the search process rarely produces an ideal result. 
August 30, 2022
In ancient Greece, the pilgrimage to Delphi was a powerful and moving journey of self-discovery. Travelers asked the Oracle of Delphi to answer their deepest questions and make predictions about the future. Yet at their journey's end, they found the words “Know Thyself” inscribed at the Temple of Apollo. The message was clear: The answers
August 29, 2022
August 8, 2022
In times of financial and economic uncertainty, several charitable gift options available to donors are particularly appealing. Of course, not all gifts are appropriate for all donors.
July 22, 2022
Choosing a new executive director or CEO for your nonprofit is arguably the most important decision your board has the responsibility to make. As such, it’s important to realize that the quest to hire the ideal candidate begins long before you schedule a single interview. It starts with a well-structured, thorough search process.
July 15, 2022
What is the difference between an organization that has a culture of fundraising and one that pursues a culture of philanthropy? In a culture of fundraising, reaching the goal is the singular objective and donors are simply a means to solve a problem. The organization needs money. Donors have money. Ask for a gift (typically
July 7, 2022

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