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Giving USA 2023: A Mixed Bag

It’s here! Giving USA 2023: The Annual Report on Philanthropy©, the longest running, most comprehensive report on philanthropy in America.
Our 11th Annual Infographic interprets this data to help donors, fundraisers, and nonprofit leaders understand trends and navigate present-day philanthropy.

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Charitable Giving Tends To Grow, So Why Worry?

There are fault lines in the philanthropic landscape. Participation has declined steadily for two decades: Today, fewer than half of households report making a charitable gift each year. Compare this to 2000, when 66% of American households donated to charity.

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The 4 W’s: Building A Better Board

Effective boards are comprised of diverse members who bring a balance of work, wisdom and wealth. To these responsibilities add “wit” because a board that enjoys working together is more likely to be fruitful. On a high-functioning board, each board member brings one or two of these traits (plus “wit,” which is a proxy for cultural fit). The board as a whole is comprised of a balance of these traits because an imbalance in any one area weakens the board’s ability to ensure an effective organization. What does each mean?

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Uncommon Leaders Series: Dan Flowers

Dan Flowers serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. Since taking the helm in 2003, Dan has led the organization to record levels of growth. Today, the foodbank delivers more than 30 million pounds of food each year. The organization has also been previously recognized by Feeding America as its Foodbank of the Year, the highest honor in Feeding America’s vast national network.

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What Differentiates a Nonprofit Executive Search?

When a nonprofit hires an independent party to assist with the search and selection of its next leader, it can pursue various options: large, globally branded retained search firms; boutique firms; contingent search firms; individual search professionals — or variations of them.

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Featured: Giving USA 
2021 Infographic
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