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To honor donors’ generosity and sustain the giving tradition, organizations have a duty to demonstrate gratitude. But it’s not as simple as sending a note or printing names in a newsletter. There are pitfalls and opportunities. Here are a few of the principles we’ve learned.
December 19, 2013
November 25, 2013
Looking for just the right words for a thank you note? Need concise information about your organization for a grant proposal? Want the message to position your group in new fundraising materials? Your case for support is the place to look. It is one of your most important - and useful - tools.
July 16, 2013
Peer-to-peer fundraising can work for any organization.  It can create significant funding and brand awareness.  It activates social networks, both online and offline.  For example, the recently released Peer-to-Peer 30 indicates nearly $1.6 billion were raised by just the 30 largest such programs in 2014.  Collectively, they engaged more than 11.6 million volunteers in thousands
May 15, 2013
With springtime here, there’s freshness in the air. It’s time to seed and plot gardens. For many non-profits, it’s time to develop next year’s budget. The CEO is asking for a plan that demonstrates how the development office will meet the growing demand for programs and services. A development assessment and a data-driven plan provide
April 15, 2013
An essential element of sustainable fundraising: Leadership.
March 13, 2013
Conducting a development assessment and creating a development plan positions you to raise more money to support your mission, more efficiently. By analyzing all aspects of your fundraising program, we understand your organization’s current situation, identify your potential, define your goals, and create a plan to achieve them.
December 21, 2012

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