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When donor recognition is considered, development professionals often think in terms of published donor lists, walls of honor in lobbies, and plaques for the donors’ offices. Yet the most appreciated ways to honor donors are often simple and personal benefits, customized to the donor’s needs and interests.
August 6, 2012
Have you ever felt that a prospective donor was so different from you that you had no idea how to make a connection? Have you walked up to the front door of a donor’s home scared that the two of you have nothing in common? I certainly have.
August 6, 2012
August 6, 2012
The primary goals of marketing efforts are to inform people about the gift annuity program and to generate inquiries from motivated prospects. Do not attempt to explain details — that is for face-to-face meetings. Your organization’s mission and charitable work are the foundation of its marketing efforts. Gift annuity donors are motivated by both the
August 6, 2012
Download this free article to learn who your best planned giving prospects are! Learn how to pare down potential prospects to those with whom gift planning efforts are likely to be most effective and productive. Also learn how age, family situation, past giving record and ability to give will inform your approach.
August 6, 2012
It’s the people, pure and simple. What other job permits us to talk with successful and generous people about their families, backgrounds, values, and dreams?
August 6, 2012
Current gifts are those given and received now. Examples of current gifts include cash or checks, stocks or bonds, real estate, personal property, and art or antiques. The donor simply sends or brings the actual gift to your organization or signs papers transferring the asset(s) to your organization.
August 6, 2012

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