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An essential element of sustainable fundraising: Leadership.
March 13, 2013
Conducting a development assessment and creating a development plan positions you to raise more money to support your mission, more efficiently. By analyzing all aspects of your fundraising program, we understand your organization’s current situation, identify your potential, define your goals, and create a plan to achieve them.
December 21, 2012
Why is leadership transition so important?
December 17, 2012
With the “fiscal cliff” looming, and varying predictions of the likely outcome, many nonprofits and their donors may be frozen. But inaction is not the right strategy. So what can you do to be positioned for any of the possible outcomes? Here are our suggestions.
December 11, 2012
Planning to Plan- presentation by Laura MacDonald, hosted by the Columbus Foundation in September, 2012
October 2, 2012
At the beginning of this millennium, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that the United States was home to 281.4 million people.  Of this number, 69 percent are Caucasians.  Traditional fundraising strategies have been geared to the Caucasian segment of the population. Stated differently, nonprofit organizations have not given attention to more than 30 percent of
September 27, 2012
Several words and concepts need to be understood before delving more deeply into building endowments. Benefactor Group has been working in philanthropy and fundraising for over 20 years and has helped many individuals and organizations establish endowment funds.
September 26, 2012

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