Steve Beshuk
Author’s Note
Good leadership is easy to spot but hard to define. Popular idioms refer to leadership as influence, hope, or the ability to translate vision into reality. Some leaders are characterized by charisma, others by quiet acts of service. Debate continues over their origin: born, made, or something in between?
Benefactor Group is proud to work with leaders of all styles and backgrounds. Through this interview series, we have asked several of our partners, past and present, to share their personal leadership philosophies and career journeys. We found each conversation illuminating, and we have shared their varied accomplishments, trials, and lessons learned below.
About Brandi Braun AL-Issa
Brandi Braun AL-Issa serves as President and CEO of Habitat for Humanity-MidOhio, bringing revitalized energy to the organization. Habitat MidOhio connects people to hope and opportunity through obtaining and maintaining affordable housing.
Brandi has been working in and serving the Columbus community since 2003. She spent more than 16 years in public service before transitioning to the non-profit sector. She also teaches a course on leadership, change management, and coaching as a leadership skill at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University.
Previously, Brandi served as Chief Advancement and Strategy Officer at the YMCA of Central Ohio and Deputy Innovation Officer for the City of Columbus. Deeply committed to her community, she volunteers as a Gahanna Parks and Recreation Foundation board member and as a Steering Committee Member for Dare to Be Heard. She is a proud graduate of Capital University and The Ohio State University.
Q&A with Brandi Braun AL-Issa
Tell me about your background. How did you get into nonprofits and what led you to leadership?
I started my career in local government, which unexpectedly turned into a 17-year career! This experience helped me identify and hone my strengths. After a brief stint at Deloitte Consulting, I realized I wanted to better align with my strengths and values. I transitioned to the nonprofit sector by joining the YMCA, working with my colleague Tony Collins. After five years there, I became the President and CEO of Habitat for Humanity Mid-Ohio. Along the way, I began teaching change management and leadership at Ohio State, which has really helped me refine my skills. I have been a student just as much as a teacher!
Is a leader made or born?
I believe leadership is a practice, like tennis or playing the clarinet. It requires time, learning, study, and effort. However, some people are born better equipped to play tennis or excel at the clarinet. I think there are people born with natural leadership tendencies. I feel I have some built-in tendencies that are well-suited for leadership.
What natural tendency do you think helps you with leadership?
Courage. One day, I had an epiphany when I told a friend I wanted to be “the decider. I want to lead a team, a department, or an organization.” I felt in my bones that I had the makings of a good leader, and I went for it even though I still had much to learn about the art and science of leadership.
What does the word “leadership” mean to you?
Leadership means influencing and inspiring people to achieve. It involves motivating people, communicating effectively, designing jobs and systems, and shaping organizational culture. Additionally, a leader must be an example and model the way.
How do you make sure you hold yourself accountable?
I acknowledge when I make mistakes, such as responding emotionally or too quickly. I try to recognize and correct these moments, even if it means calling someone back to revisit a conversation. I strive to be intentional, admit mistakes, apologize when necessary, and move forward.
Do you have a particular leadership philosophy?
My focus is on developing and inspiring others. I use my coaching background to help my team develop their own leadership styles. I believe an organization can’t transform unless its leaders are also changing. An organization’s lifeblood is its people. The leaders must set the way and embark on a journey of transformation, which looks different for everyone.
“Leadership means continuous learning, growing, and developing, both for individuals and the organization as a whole.”
Do you have a vision for where you want Habitat for Humanity to be years from now?
I want Habitat for Humanity to be a leader in solving the affordable housing crisis. Our mission is to connect people to hope and opportunity through obtaining and maintaining affordable housing. I aim to find ways to scale and grow our impact to better serve the community.
What do you find the most rewarding in leadership?
I enjoy seeing others lead. I find great satisfaction in working closely with people to develop their leadership skills and watching them grow in confidence and self-efficacy.
Do you find leadership at a nonprofit different from your experiences in other sectors?
I don’t see a significant difference. Leadership and change are rooted in motivating human behavior, and these principles transcend sectors; humans are humans. While some motivators and workplace expectations may differ, the fundamentals of understanding motivation, vision, emotions, and change are the same.
You said you might write a book someday. What would you write about?
I want to write about leadership. It’s a saturated market, but there are always new ways to bring it to life. I’m looking at the stack of books by me, and all but one are written by men, which is okay—there are so many male researchers and authors that I think very highly of—but I think there’s space for a woman’s voice in the leadership field. I want to write in a way that is accessible to people, as Patrick Lencioni has done in his numerous excellent books.
If you could talk to your younger self, what advice would you give knowing what you know today?
I would have told her to study organizational development. I would have said, “Hey, you’re not going to go to law school. You’re not going to become a judge. You’re going to be a leader,” which feels funny to say. I think life unfolds the way it’s supposed to.
What experience have you had leading through crisis, and how has that informed your style or what you’ve learned?
When membership at the Y plummeted, we couldn’t keep operating with full staff. I wondered how we’d let people go with care and compassion, and I learned that it’s about how you deliver the message and how you try to communicate with people after they’ve been laid off. It’s about making sure you’re thinking about people’s feelings while still being mindful of the direction and health of the organization. The leadership team must model the way. We took pay cuts and tried to share in the reduction.
What’s a typical day for you?
My day starts with making coffee and walking my dogs. I prioritize spiritual practices, including reading the Quran and related readings. I also try to meditate every morning. I do not like feeling frenetic, so a slow and nourishing start to my morning is essential. In the evening, I walk the dogs again, have dinner, and might watch a show.
Are there any questions I didn’t ask you?
I want to emphasize that leadership is a journey, not a binary state. Leadership isn’t tied to a position or rank; it’s a practice. The sooner people recognize themselves as leaders on a journey, the faster they’ll become the effective, great, transformational leaders they aspire to be.
My Thoughts – Leadership Takeaways
Brandi’s thoughtful approach to leadership has inspired me. During our conversation, she shared a few phrases that were indicative of her leadership style and—in my opinion—offer powerful lessons about what makes a great leader:
- “I have been a student as much as a teacher.” Great leaders are lifelong learners. They remain curious, open to new perspectives, and willing to adapt.
- “Leadership is a practice.” Leadership is a skill that requires consistent effort, self-awareness, and intentional growth.
- “I felt in my bones that I had the makings of a good leader.” Self-confidence is important (even though it’s okay to be scared sometimes). Leadership requires believing in your potential and committing yourself to developing it.
- “Leadership means influencing and inspiring people to achieve.” A strong leader inspires others by painting a clear vision and empowering them to work toward it.
- “Humans are humans.” Respect and empathy are foundational. A good leader understands the value of treating everyone with dignity.
- “Leadership is a journey, not a binary state.” Leadership is an ongoing process—there’s always room to grow, learn, and improve.
About Steve Beshuk
Steve is a Principal at Benefactor Group. His passion is helping nonprofits achieve data-driven results, whether improving their internal systems or building a strategic plan. His expertise, cultivated over decades of leadership experience in the nonprofit sector, lies in strategic planning, coaching, business intelligence, technology, and data-informed decision-making.
Steve has devoted his professional life to the nonprofit sector: earlier in his career, he held leadership roles at national, chapter-based charities, including the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Junior Achievement, and the American Red Cross. He has front-line experience in every facet of nonprofit management.
If you want to talk to Steve about leadership, strategic planning, technology, or anything else, email him at [email protected].