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Nonprofit talent is everything.

Talent is Everything

Study after study indicate the same thing. Talent is everything! The best-performing organizations value and engage their associates. According to Gallup, high engagement results in higher employee retention, not to mention 21% higher productivity and 22% higher profitability 1. Talent impacts every aspect of a nonprofit’s business—from earned and contributed revenue, to public perception, advocacy, and mission delivery.

Over the years, Benefactor Group has had the pleasure of working with diverse nonprofit organizations across the country. In addition to helping our clients implement capital campaigns, conduct strategic planning, and improve their systems, we help them hire and develop leaders. We know that the organizations that reach their goals are those with the talented, engaged staff to implement their plans. Both staff talent—and volunteer talent—are critical to any nonprofit’s success.

The late Steve Jobs of Apple summed up talent’s importance with this advice:

Go after the cream of the cream. A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.”

In our experience, the formula for success is: focusing on the core competencies of a specific role, hiring  ‘cream of the cream’ talent, and genuinely engaging them. Those organizations have the best chance at achieving their vision. Without the right talent, the best plan remains just that: a plan.




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