As on-going and future sources of income for your organization, endowment funds and planned giving are what enable you to enhance your stability and credibility within your community. We work with you to develop strategies that fit your vision, mission, and fundraising objectives—and appeal to your donors—to help ensure your organization’s long-term sustainability.
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Shifting Tax Policies Shaping Nonprofits: What’s Ahead?
Federal policies and legislative proposals can significantly affect nonprofits’ mission, operations, and service impact. Nonprofit staff and board leaders who pay attention to the shifting

Eight Steps to Build an Endowment
What can you do to create or grow an endowment for your cause? We’ve described eight simple actions you can take, drawn from the pages of The Endowment Handbook, written by our founder Laura MacDonald.

What’s next for higher ed fundraising?
We’ve all seen recent headlines warning of the bleak future ahead for higher education fundraising.
Certainly, the sector is navigating challenging waters. Student loan debt remains a topic of great national importance, and conversations have continued about the value of a four-year degree. We recognize these challenges and shifts—and also see great hope ahead.