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Ohio State Bar Foundation Names Sheila Buckley and Phillip Kim to Their Staff

Benefactor Group is proud to have partnered with the Ohio State Bar Foundation in two recent searches. We offer our congratulations to Sheila Buckley, their new Development Director, and to Philip Kim, who will be filling the role of Marketing and Communications Manager. Together, they will strengthen the Foundation’s efforts to build a better justice system by providing grants to Ohio nonprofits and recognizing the exceptional volunteer service of legal professionals and community members.

Sheila Buckley brings a proven track record of success to the Development Director position. She previously worked at Adena Health Foundation in Chillicothe, first as Development Director and most recently as Executive Director. There she led several successful campaigns across the health system. Her work at OSBF will be critical to the success of the grants program, which provides nearly $1 million annually to Ohio nonprofits that educate and serve society’s most vulnerable members. These funds pave the way for systemic reform and a more equitable justice system.

Philip Kim’s skills in content creation, social media strategy, and editorial direction will serve him well as OSBF’s Marketing and Communications Manager. He has worked in Marketing and Communications for Ohio Citizens for the Arts and the Pizzuti Collection, and has a wealth of experience in nonprofit communications across all channels. His experience, combined with a passion for public service, have prepared him for a vital task: to unite OSBF’s constituents, and call on them to take part in the Foundation’s mission. Kim will inspire a new generation of legal professionals to guide their profession and their community toward a more just future.

“It has been my pleasure to work with Benefactor Group on our candidate searches,” said Lori Keating, Executive Director. “Benefactor Group’s staff identified a pool of highly qualified candidates, and I know that our two new team members will hit the ground running, as they have the experience needed to fulfil their roles and are excited to join us in our mission to build a better justice system.”

Benefactor Group is honored to have guided the largest Bar Foundation in the nation through the search process. We wish all the best to Sheila and Philip in their new roles. We are confident that they will contribute to the continued success of the Ohio State Bar Foundation for the benefit of all Ohioans.

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