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Giving USA 2017

Giving USA 2017 Infographic

Giving USA 2017: The Annual Report on Philanthropy©, is the longest running, most comprehensive report on philanthropy in America. The Report shows 2016 with steady giving in these uncertain times. Giving rose to $390.05 billion in 2016 contributions, up 2.7% over last year, another record high. This was the seventh consecutive year of growth.

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Acknowledgements and Sources:
Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy is published by Giving USA Foundation, a public service initiative of The Giving Institute.
Giving USA is the longest running, most comprehensive report on philanthropy in America. Advancing the research, education, and public understanding of philanthropy is the mission of Giving USA Foundation, founded in 1985 by The Giving Institute.
The complete Giving USA 2017 report, with estimates covering 2016 giving, is available at 
Additional Sources:
Tax reform: June 4, 2017) and,-new-study-finds.html?id=227
Donor retention: 2017 Fundraising Effectiveness Survey Report, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Urban Institute, 2017,
Rising and falling: Quentin Fottrell, “Struggling Middle Class Give Less To Charity, but Donations by Wealthy Americans Surge,” MarketWatch, March 5, 2017,; Chuck Collins, Helen Flannery, and Josh Hoxie, Gilded Giving: Top-Heavy Philanthropy in an Age of Extreme Inequality, November 2016,  and The 2016 U.S. Trust Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy, The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy in collaboration with U.S. Trust, 2016,
DAFs:  2016 Donor-Advised Fund Report, National Philanthropic Trust, 2016,
 More than 10x the distance from earth to Jupiter (in miles)
 Almost 4x the total US beer market
Equal to the amount of trees in the Amazon
 GDP of Norway (International Monetary Fund)
More than the total federal corporate income tax collected in America
Walmart revenue:
U.S. Population Estimates:

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