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Capital Campaign Planning Through the Lens of Running a Marathon

Run Your Capital Campaign Like a Marathon Pro

If you’ve ever run a marathon or know someone who has, you know they take preparation and stamina. Running a marathon and implementing a capital or comprehensive campaign have much in common. You wouldn’t show up at the starting line for either without putting in the necessary early work. And you wouldn’t start celebrating success at mile 17 when there’s still a long way to go.

In this white paper, we cover the phases of a capital or comprehensive campaign and their contribution to a successful outcome—all through the lens of getting ready for and completing a marathon. Because that’s what you’re getting ready to do.

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Run Your Capital Campaign Like a Marathon Pro

Running a marathon and implementing a capital or comprehensive campaign have much in common. You wouldn’t show up at the starting line for either without putting in the necessary early work. And you wouldn’t start celebrating success at mile 17 when there’s still a long way to go.

In this white paper, we cover the phases of a capital or comprehensive campaign and their contribution to a successful outcome—all through the lens of getting ready for and completing a marathon. Because that’s what you’re getting ready to do.

Laura MacDonald has earned a national reputation for her dedication to the nonprofit sector. She is a Certified Fund-Raising Executive (CFRE) with decades of experience in nonprofit leadership, fundraising, and philanthropy. In 1999, she established Benefactor Group to serve the needs of those who serve the common good.

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