Giving USA 2022

It’s here! Giving USA 2022: The Annual Report on Philanthropy©, the longest running, most comprehensive report on philanthropy in America.

Our 10th Annual Infographic interprets this data to help donors, fundraisers, and nonprofit leaders understand trends and navigate present-day philanthropy. Request your copy to be mailed free of charge or download your copy here.

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Giving USA 2022 Infographic

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2022 Infographic – Sources Cited

Association of Fundraising Professionals. “2021 Ends with Highest Fundraising Confidence Levels in Past Two Years.” AFP News, n.d.

Artemis Strategy Group (for Fidelity Charitable). “Growing Popularity of Cryptocurrency Could Fuel Charitable Giving.” Fidelity Charitable (blog), October 28, 2021.

Drew Lindsay. “What Giving Tallies Miss: New Report Finds Significant Charitable Activity Outside of Nonprofits.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Giving, April 8, 2022.

GivingTuesday Data Commons and Sector Insights. “Informal Giving and Community Care Around the World.” GivingTuesday(blog), n.d.

Giving USA Special Report: Donor Advised Funds. Fall 2021. Researched and written by Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Published by Giving USA Foundation, a public service initiative of The Giving Institute.

Giving USA 2022: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the year 2021. Researched and written by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Published by the Giving USA Foundation, a public service initiative of the Giving Institute.

Giving USA 2021: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the year 2020. Researched and written by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Published by the Giving USA Foundation, a public service initiative of the Giving Institute.

Hamilton, James. Dates of U.S. recessions as inferred by GDP-based recession indicator [JHDUSRGDPBR], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, June 7, 2022.

Gregg Iacurci. “The Great Resignation Is Still in Full Swing. Here’s What to Know.” CNBC, March 31, 2022.

Osili, Una, Jon Bergdoll, Andrea Pactor, Jaqueline Ackerman, and Peter Houston. “Charitable Crowdfunding: Who Gives, to What, and Why?” Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, April 2021.

Philanthropy News Digest by Candid. “Giving Rate Back Up, But Volunteering Rate Still Down in 2021,” January 12, 2022.

Pitt, Andrew, Amy Thomson, Karen Kardos, Berit Ashla, Tyler Hall, Laura MacDonald, Shaady Salehi, Nick Tedesco, and Matt Whittaker. “Philanthropy and the Global Economy: Opportunities in a World of Transition.” Citi GPS, November 2021.

Rouse, Cecilia, Jeffrey Zhang, and Ernie Tedeschi. “Historic Parallels to Today’s Inflationary Episode.” The White House Written Materials (blog), July 6, 2021.

The NonProfit Times. “Pandemic Spreads Volunteering, Study Shows.” The NonProfit Times, August 31, 2020.,twice%20the%20rate%20in%202017.