Featured Client Case Studies

Eastern Michigan University Giving Tuesday Campaign

Giving Tuesday 2020 was very successful for our clients. Among those who saw significant giving this year is Eastern Michigan University. EMU is a major learning and research institution offering more than 200 undergraduate majors, minors, and certificates, plus more than 150 graduate programs to more than 16,000 students.

According to the leadership at EMU, as a result of their Giving Tuesday campaign, they were able to achieve the following: 

2020 Total Raised: $1,235,501.41 (49% increase over 2019)

2020 Total # of Donors: 1,308 (41% increase over 2019)

2019 Totals: $827,299.48 from 927 donors

“We also had a record-breaking number of crowdfunding projects with 19 projects with all 5 academic colleges, enrollment management, and student affairs represented. In 2019, there were a total of four such projects.”
– Kelly Quilter, Chief Development Officer at the Eastern Michigan University Foundation

This year, we focused the giving opportunities on the immediate-need funds like the Emergency Funds and Swoop’s Food Pantry but all funds were encouraged. Moreover, we established partnerships and matching gift challenges to amplify giving, including: 

  • EMU Student Government (1:1 match for all gifts to the student emergency fund up to $20,000)
  • EMU-AAUP Faculty Union (1:1 match gift for all gifts to the student emergency fund up to $20,000)
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