Talk with your donors, leaders, and prospects—either informally or through a formal “mid- campaign assessment” to determine their perception of the campaign
What’s the status of your campaign?
▪ Cruise control
▪ Speed bump
▪ Brick wall
Why is the campaign languishing, and what can you do about it?
Have there been institutional changes (e.g., a change in leadership or a financial set-back)?
▪ Hold a series of leadership briefings to let the community know what’s going on and how you’re handling it
▪ Build a ‘fire wall’ between campaign donations and the problem
▪ Take a brief hiatus while the problem is resolved
Are donors inspired by the Case?
▪ Hold a mid-campaign retreat to re-inspire and re-connect with donors and leaders
▪ Tour the construction site, or recruit a local company to host a tour to similar facilities in other cities
Are campaign leaders fulfilling their responsibilities?
▪ Give them a few weeks off
▪ Recruit reinforcements
▪ Make sure they feel appreciated and successful
Are you securing the gifts you need at the top of the gift chart?
▪ Revisit your cultivation and solicitation strategies
▪ Encourage a lead donor to issue a challenge gift
Are there external factors beyond your control?
▪ Declare success, celebrate, and begin planning to launch “Phase II” in six months